Grant Applicants
Are you wondering how to apply for a grant, want to know what grants are available, or determine your eligibility for a grant? Find out how below!
Funding Availability Types
There are two types of applications that may be found on this site. The first is an open Request For Proposal (RFP) application process that is published on this site. In this process any agency that meets the RFP requirements may apply for funding. The RFP letter and the application instructions and guidelines will delineate which types of agencies or entities may apply. If you are uncertain if your agency qualifies after having read the RFP letter and application instructions you may contact a member of the Grants Management Unit Staff, at (603) 271-3658, with your questions. The second is a targeted process in which applications are placed online for specific agencies to download and submit. Examples of this second usage might be agencies that have met the requirements of an RFP that has simply not been published on this Web site or agencies currently in a follow-on year of a multi-year funding strategy. We ask that, as a rule, agencies not submit applications to this office unless they are in response to a specific RFP, to which they qualify, or they have been advised by our office that they may apply for specific types of funding. Funding requests that fall outside of an existing RFP may be discussed with a member of the Grants Management Staff as to the availability of funds to meet the needs of the agency in question. Information on applying for a grant is found under Open Grant Solicitations.
Open Grant Solicitations:
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Grant
(The NH Dept. of Justice received two applications)
Open Date: 6/12/2024
Close Date: 7/12/2024