NH Consumer Sourcebook

A common-sense resource to help New Hampshire consumers protect themselves from the risks of the marketplace.

Welcome to The Sourcebook. Living in New Hampshire offers unique opportunities to enjoy a quality of life that has been lost in many other places while still having access to the vast majority of benefits that the marketplace offers to twenty-first century Americans.

Unfortunately, New Hampshire consumers need effective protection from some of the dangers and risks that the marketplace presents. The Sourcebook provides some general information about the laws that apply to a variety of consumer transactions, some examples of how the law might apply to a situation, some points to keep in mind if you find yourself in similar circumstances and some ideas for where to turn for more help. The Sourcebook is not intended to give you legal advice, but whenever possible we have described the laws and legal concepts that apply to the purchase of many goods and services in simple, direct terms.

We have tried to make the information in The Sourcebook as accurate and current as possible. Laws change, however and The Sourcebook is not always up-to-date. You should verify that information contained in The Sourcebook is current before relying on it. You can look-up the most current version of any New Hampshire law by visiting the General Court’s website.

Any errors or omissions in the documents that follow are the responsibility of the authors. If you are in doubt about any of the information that is presented here or want help in applying it to a specific situation that you face, you may wish to consult an attorney.

Please review the following User Guide before diving into the substantive sections of The Sourcebook. The User Guide is written to give you the background that is necessary to meaningfully use and interpret The Sourcebook.

NH Consumer Sourcebook User Guide

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